Isolated aerial agricultural hut with a trapezoidal floor plan, with a truncated cone dome roof, attached to a large claper.
Located in Clot Alt de les Barraques, in the municipality of Biure. Included in the dry stone inventory of La Garriga d'Empordà, with the reference BIU-35. Declared BCIL.
General data:
- Municipality: Biure (Alt Empordà)
- Landscape: Garrotxa d'Empordà
- Coordinates: X: 491647 Y: 4686402
- Altitude: 137
- Type of construction: Insulated air
- Orientation: 132 ° Southeast.
- Plant shape: Trapezoidal plant
- Door type: Flat lintel
- Type of roof: False dome
- Status: Small demolition
- Restored: No
Information extracted from: WIKIPEDRA