GR-11: Albanyà - Maçanet de Cabrenys
- Albanyà
- D'Albanyà a Maçanet de Cabrenys
- 972 56 91 90
The GR-11 passes for Albanyà. From here you can follow in the direction of Massanet Cabrenys.
Approximate time: 5 h
Distance: 14 Km.
Difficulty: Medium.
Departing from Albanyà (237 m) to the county road to Figueres. On reaching the bridge take a left and a few feet way before you leave the house right, heading north. The road was along the river for 10 minutes until the leaves to take a path on your left.
It goes to a track which continues on a strong rise for 20 minutes. Just after a metal fence that crosses the trail, the trail turns left onto a path between broom step that opens up left a trail that leads to Mas Ferreros (580 m) (51 ') .
When the trail farmhouse circling the house, and behind it goes to a track. Take the trail to the right and the first branch, after 5 minutes, take a shortcut back to the track until you reach the Col de Palomares (600 m). After the pass the path down the left (to the left you can go to San Lorenzo de la Muga). Leave several deviations to the right and follows the rise to Romanesque hermitage of carbonyl, the eleventh century, where the trail paving. It turns right and starts climbing. On the left, atop a plan is the refuge of the Boar. The path goes through fields to La Trilla (700 m) (2h).
The Threshing house is to the left. The trail enters the forest of pines and oaks in the northeast. The farm road that leads out a hermitage of fau, fau and tissue. After 45 minutes the path leaves the forest in an open landscape with large trees and fields abandoned. The trail leaves right from the rubble of the house Riumalo and low for a few fields to a wide track, right, was the hermitage of San Miguel Fontfroide. It follows the track of the hermitage of Sant Andreu Oliveda (380 m) (3h 30 ').
From here we take the path that leads straight to the campsite Massanet, passing in front of The Forge, reach Massanet (4h 30 ').
The trail continues downhill for a few minutes and goes right on the path of a residential abandoned. Robert reached the Mill (220 meters) (3h 50 '). Leave the track to the right and straight with a flat stream Frausa next. At 10 minutes the trail is separated from the stream and up a trail heading north-east to Valley Can. The trail passes near the house and later tracks left.
Last 15 minutes leaving a trail that goes right to the forest is'arriba another track that leads to the football field Massanet. Passed by the urbanization of Can Coll to the road in Massanet Darnius. To reach Massanet must turn left (4h 45 ').