Teix del Fau

  • Town
    • Maçanet de Cabrenys
  • Location
    • In order to get there, get to the Font del Bac and follow the path heading to the chapel of Fau for around three-hundred metres and it is on the left side of the path after a wide bend
  • Phone
    • 972 54 40 05
  • E-mail
    • ajuntament@massanet.org

Teix del Fau (Taxus baccata) is a centenary example. The yew tree grows very slowly and can survive a thousand years. Characteristics: This specimen has a coiled red-colour trunk running 2.6 m around and 8 metres high. The tree is surprising and shows its age with its fraying bark. Its diameter is 85 cm and the thick green crown is 7.5 m. Condition: It is in a healthy state and, over the years, its seeds have spread around the Fau where many of its saplings grow. More information: It should be borne in mind that the yew contains a substance called toxin which is very poisonous in the roots, leaves and branches.